Our Services and Products
At Living Waters your health, wellbeing and the choices you make are important to us.
We understand that everyone is different and we offer a broad range of home care services to support you in the best possible way.
All our Care Plans are developed and reviewed by our very own Nursing Practitioner of Aged Care to ensure all our clients receive the highest quality care possible with no additional fees.
Products and services you may choose include:
Domestic Services/Assistant
Help around the home including cleaning, washing and daily home tasks including garden maintenance services.
Transport Services
Trips to the shops, appointments or socializing with friends and family.
Shopping Support
Where a care worker accompanies you to the shops or shops for you unaccompanied.
Personal Care
Assistances including showering, grooming and dressing.
Dementia Care
Will be supported by our Nursing Practitioner of Aged Care, General Practitioner and Dementia Care Registered Nurse. You’ll also have access to our network of specialist medical doctors and allied healthcare professionals who will assist those living with dementia and their families.
Nursing and Allied Health
You’ll have access to a wide range of healthcare professionals including GP, Nursing Practitioner, nursing, physiotherapist, exercise physiologist, occupational therapist and more.
Products and Home Modifications
Purchases can be made using home care funds to help you remain independent and safe including walking aids, personal alarms and scooters. Home Modifications can also be made to help you remain safe in your own home.
Meal and Dietary Support
You’ll have access to nutritious ready-made meals freshly prepared to your cultural, religious and dietary requirements.
Respite and Social Support
We offer 24/7 assistance to clients requiring home care assistants.